Welcome to our World Famous bTEAM bLOG!
We wrote our first bLOG in September 2010 and haven’t stopped since.
The content you will read here is exclusively written by us and only us. They are created and inspired as a result of our day-to-day work as Realtors.
Wide ranging and occasionally entertaining, we hope you can find some useful reading here. Have a suggestion for something you’d like to write about? Reach out and we’ll make it happen!
It's one thing to prepare your home to sell but what about preparing you? Your mind or your physical state? Time spent on those efforts will be well worth it...
Posted: 14/09/2011
If a home is dragging around on the market, sometimes you have to take extra steps in getting potential buyers through the door. Here are some thoughts on that...
Posted: 01/09/2011
You don't want to show up making apologies to the general marketplace. Better to take an extra week or two to get the to-do list done. If possible...
Posted: 30/08/2011
Advice will come at you from all directions when you're looking to buy or sell a home. Some will even be accurate! Make sure you check the source and speak with a pro.
Posted: 22/08/2011
Hire someone and then trust them to do their job. The best first step though is to establish that everyone is on the same page with regards to the master plan. And make sure there's a master plan. :)
Posted: 11/08/2011
Everyone has opinions on the market. But like everything in life, everyone will have different levels of actual real insight and knowledge. So, consider the source...with any and all news you hear :)
Posted: 20/03/2011
Every city has it's own relationship with condos. Some cities are stuffed full of them while others have resisted their arrival. We take a quick look at them here...
Posted: 14/03/2011
Clean, then clean again. The return on your time & effort investment will pay dividends. We promise!
Posted: 14/02/2011
A quick look at the market in early 2011. As always, 1 month comparisons aren't worth hanging your hat on but they can be interesting to look at.
Posted: 09/02/2011
We can't stress it enough...the PRE-LISTING period before going on the market is arguably the most important time. Kind of like checking your parachute before you jump out of the plane...
Posted: 03/01/2011