In December or January, ask any Realtor or self-employed person whose work is correlated to effort, and you will quite possibly hear the same thing.
They’re stressed. No wait...they're pumped for next year! But also, they’re worried. And also, they’re questioning everything that exists.
“How am I possibly going to do that again next year!?”
We have this delusional sense that somehow everything will dry up next year. No one will call. One by one, all of our hopes and dreams will turn to dust. Last year was indeed a fluke. #doom
All the above begs the question. Why? As traditional as eggnog and resolutions, the annual dose of self-doubt and worry is a fascinating process to work through. And work through it you should.
Every time that voice starts to pipe up, turn around, stare it in the face and remind it that you’ve heard the same refrain before and year in and year out, you prove it wrong. So, as we head into 2024 with all our planning and strategic vision clarified, say hello to that annual annoyance and politely step around it as you move into a new year with sails full of confidence. But what about...no. Stop. It's confidence. Yes!
Get organized and get clear on what you’re looking to do. Write it down, review it and use it as your daily roadmap. As you move further into 2024, that voice will have been left at the roadside as you somehow, miraculously have another quality, fulfilling year in (__fill in your industry here__).
Note to self. Practice as you preach.