Welcome to our World Famous bTEAM bLOG!
We wrote our first bLOG in September 2010 and haven’t stopped since.
The content you will read here is exclusively written by us and only us. They are created and inspired as a result of our day-to-day work as Realtors.
Wide ranging and occasionally entertaining, we hope you can find some useful reading here. Have a suggestion for something you’d like to write about? Reach out and we’ll make it happen!
Posted: 28/03/2014
Posted: 25/03/2014
Timing the downsize...it's far easier than it looks. The big difference is moving when you HAVE to versus when you CAN. Have parents who are hesitating? Share this one :)
Posted: 20/02/2014
Remember open houses? "Hurry...hurry! He's following us to the door. He's going to ask for our contact info! GOOOOO!!!!"
Posted: 29/01/2014
Real estate induces stress and anxiety. And stress and anxiety is great at produces questions. What if? But what about? Are you sure? ...have a read for some of the most common questions and worries.
Posted: 19/11/2013
Every month has it's own to-do list. You could argue every day has it's own to-do list! And October is no different. :)
Posted: 31/10/2013
Closing 2 properties on the same day is a great idea. Except for when it's not...which is nearly all the time. This bLOG has an alternative to exposing yourself to such misery. :)
Posted: 20/08/2013
As the year progresses, the level of buyer demand will ebb and flow. If you're knee deep in the middle of an ebb, this bLOG is for you....
Posted: 23/07/2013
There's Don Draper smoking and then there's a cigarette burning away in the living room of a home you're showing. One is cool (sort of) and the other is a deal breaker.
Posted: 23/05/2013
"We've always bought through the listing agent...we can save money that way." But is that true? Our latest bLOG takes a dig into that topic...
Posted: 30/04/2013