Welcome to our World Famous bTEAM bLOG!
We wrote our first bLOG in September 2010 and haven’t stopped since.
The content you will read here is exclusively written by us and only us. They are created and inspired as a result of our day-to-day work as Realtors.
Wide ranging and occasionally entertaining, we hope you can find some useful reading here. Have a suggestion for something you’d like to write about? Reach out and we’ll make it happen!
We've all seen those sales. "They sold for HOW much!?" Our latest bLOG has a look at the premium price from a few different angles.
Posted: 01/11/2022
Over the years, we have seen buyers and sellers make decisions or have ideas of all shapes and sizes. Some are accurate, some are useful and some are honest but misguided. This bLOG takes a look at some common buyer misconceptions...
Posted: 01/07/2021
As prices have escalated over the last 5 years, so to has concern with how first time home buyers are supposed to get into the home ownership market.
Posted: 03/12/2020
Advice and input is great. Just make sure it is tuned in to the reality of the market and the home or property you're looking at. Some thoughts...
Posted: 15/10/2019
Plowing you're own path or hiring a guide to get you there. What is the best route for you to take? Consider the efficiency of a seasoned guide...
Posted: 15/05/2013
It depends. Empathy & perspective go a long way in any negotiation. A low ball offer can help or hinder depending on the state of the recipient. So, tread lightly...
Posted: 06/09/2012
Flip the script. The seller needs to put themselves in the shoes of the buyer. But for a buyer to buy, they must visualize being the owner...
Posted: 27/07/2012
Sales or Guide? Education, guidance and advocacy are a much better route than selling someone on something. That's our theory anyway...
Posted: 23/07/2012